Most Valuable Player (MVP) title by Volleyball Information Sytem (VIS)

FIVB’s VIS is used to calculate points scored for individual skills of volleyball players. The players who win seven different categories for particular skills are rewarded with the Most Valuable Player (MVP) title at the end of a tournament. This system is used to identify top players in all FIVB events. 


Top Scorers
The player who scores the most points in the tournament. Players can score with spike, block and serve.
Spike: A scoring attack
Block: A point directly made by a block
Serve: A service ace


Top Spikers
Calculated by the number of points minus the number of faults divided by the total number of attempts.
Spikes: Number of scoring attacks.
Faults: Number of attacking errors. The opponent scores directly.
Shots: An attack that is spiked to the opponent’ side of the net, but is successfully “dug” by the opponent. The rally continues.
Total Attempts: The total number of attacks.


Top Blockers
The player with the most kill blocks on average per sets played by the team.
Kill Blocks: Number of direct points by the block.
Faults: Number of mistakes in block that results in the opponent scoring.
Rebounds: When the blocker touches the ball, but the ball remains in play. The rally continues.
Total attempts: Total number of blocks.

Top Servers
The player with the most aces on average per sets played by the team.
Aces: The number of points directly scored by the service.
Faults: Number of service mistakes.
Serve Hits: Number of services played when the rally continues.
Total attempts: Total number of serves.

Top Diggers
The player with the most digs on average per sets played by the team - a dig is an action to defend the spike of the opponent.
Digs: Number of outstanding digs.
Faults: Number of digging mistakes.
Reception: Number of touched balls in digging while the rally continues.
Total attempts: Total number of digs made.

Top Setters
The player with the most running sets on average per sets played by the team.
Excellent: Number of excellent sets.
Faults: Number of mistakes in setting. The opponent scores directly.
Still sets: Number of sets that are not excellent and not faults.
Total attempts: Total number of sets made.

Top Receivers
The number of excellent receptions minus the number of faults divided by the total number of attempts.
Excellent: Number of excellent receptions.
Faults: Number of reception errors.
Serve receptions: Number of receptions that are not excellent and not faults.
Total attempts: Total number of receptions



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